"The story is set in an alternate 1985 where superheroes exist, Richard Nixon is still president, Vietnam was won by the South, and tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union are at an all-time high. The vigilante Rorschach (Jackie Earle Haley) is investigating the murder of a former hero, the Comedian (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), and uncovers a plot to discredit and murder various heroes. Rorschach discovers a far wider-ranging conspiracy involving his colleagues' past which could completely change the course of history."
Again, why havn't you bought your ticket yet? Still not convinced this could be the greatest superhero movie of all time? ... Then check out Dr. Manhattan in the black and BLUE! Doesn't look too threatning right? Click the trailer below and tell me if he doesn't rock!!! :)
Great comic, great movie, great toys...I think someone FINALLY got it all right!... But just incase, there is already customs appearing on ebay!!!
I cannot see the pictures for the statues.
Unsure. There is 3 pictures and 1 video, all come up fine on all 3 of my computers. I've tried Firefox and Internet Explorer... Best of luck!
I can see them now. I don't know why I could not in the first place.
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