GOOD NEWS! I've been laid off! No, seriously, it's good. I've known it coming for like 6 months. I had HOPED it happend back in October so I could have done more ebay for christmas, BUT, instead December 30th. Then on Jan 1st, ebay puts new variables for item listings into place. I have to basically remove ALL my items and relist my entire store inventory of 900+ items. This is going to occupy next 2 weeks of my life. After that point, back to blogging and vblogging. Please subscribe and hear about all the fun toys that I'm playing with, hahaha! Laterz!
Nothing else...but thanks for clicking!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Non toy related PART 2!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Nothing to do with toys...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Batman Can Fight Aliens, can you?
Fact: Batman is awesome. Fact: Batman can breathe in space. Fact: The alien menace is real.
Together, these three facts serve as the basis of the need for this incredible Batman Brave and Bold Batman vs. Alien Action Figure Set. Why settle for fighting the Joker or the Penguin when you can escape the gravitational pull of mother Earth and kick some alien butt?
Monday, September 22, 2008
McCain? Barrack? I'm voting for BATMAN!
Yea yea yea, slow updates, I know. I think I got some weird TIRED virus! But I did manage across a few fun items from Entertainment Earth... That's right, presidential elect action figures!!!
Everybody's keeping tabs on various factors that may indicate who will win the presidential election in November. Will it be oil prices? Halloween mask popularity? Or something else entirely? Right now, we've our eyes on the Barack Obama Action Figure and John McCain Action Figure. Barack is outselling John at a rate of about 4.51:1. How will toy sales correspond to votes cast? We'll find out in just a few weeks!
Also, some of the torso. And the cape. The Batman: The Dark Knight 1:4 Scale Batman Bust combines these elements into a really slick, 9 1/2-inch tall collectible! Imported from the Asian market, this neat bust is going to look fantastic in your home theater.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Shadowrun Duels! Batman Legos! Harley Quinn with a GIANT Mallet! Penguins with guns!
The long lost Shadowrun Duels mini-clix get a mention with New Batman Legos including Batman, Robin, Joker, Harley Quinn, Mr Freeze, Penguin, little Penguin Helpers WITH GUNS, and generic Henchman!
All this and more, if the price is right! Another great NRFB Toy Review (ok, it's the first REAL one), hopefully you enjoy. First time EVER editing/rendering a video. I know my bottom logo is abit off, will fix in future but for now, it'll do! Coming Soon...THEME MUSIC! *snickers*Click Here for more info on Shadowrun Duels
Pretty hard to find, retail for $15-20, sometimes you can grab for $6-8 via auction!
Check Amazon Prices or Check eBay Prices
As for Lego Batman, I don't see anything on eBay yet...but incase you don't read this right away, I'll leave a link for you to check. I checked Amazon, they have some base sets selling for $30 but Toys'R'Us online has the same ones for $11! They are also having a big 'free shipping' sale on some items. I am NOT a Toys'R'Us Affiliate (3% isn't even worth the time it takes to link!) so I can't guaruntee how long this link is valid, but click here to see what is up.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Slurm Energy Drink!
I've come across so many WEIRD (but cool) items in the last few days, I figure share a few. So many infact that it won't fit in a single post...well, it could, but be all bulky! So here are the most amusing! Futurama, The Dude from the Big Lebowski, plus PEE & POO DOLLS!!!
Futurama Slurm Energy Drink
"It's highly addictive!" Phillip J. Fry's favorite beverage can now be yours in this exciting energy drink! Straight from the Slurm factory on the planet Wormulon and into a can for your liquid refreshment, Slurm is the ONLY energy drink fully endorsed by party animal Slurms McKenzie! Ride the wave-- drink Slurm! Excretions from an oversized alien annelid never tasted so good...until NOW!
Stuff is selling for $15 on big sites! Should be cheaper below.
EE Exclusive The Dude (Unemployed) 8-Inch Action Figure
An Entertainment Earth / Comic-Con 2008 Exclusive!
Urban vinyl with a real cloth rug!
Are you a Lebowski achiever?
Don't miss The Dude-- Unemployed! You'll flip for our Comic-Con Exclusive Action Figure of The Dude from The Big Lebowski. Dressed in his bathrobe and sandals, he stands 8-inches tall and comes with loads of hilarious accessories: sunglasses, robe, White Russian, milk carton, ID card, and genuine cloth rug! Achieve your desires by buying this character today!
Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski is a real laid-back kind of guy. He enjoys "bowling, driving, (and having) the occasional acid flashback." In the classic film The Big Lebowski, this humble pacifist and his bowling buddies become entangled in a web of embezzlement, supposed kidnapping, and White Russians.
Celebrities: Jeff Bridges
Still not enough...hold on, I got one more! This should traumatise the rest of you...'s a Pee & Poo doll. Little hershey kissies of processed waste. I'm unsure where to begin on how disturbing this is...or how many kids could potentially be psychologically DESTROYED...or toilets being plugged just never stops. The things are selling for like $40!!! ... There is actually completed sales for these. ...
I don't even want to link to them. I don't want to encourage sales... ... ... Yea, no link, find em yourself... ... That means you'll have to search google for pee and poo. That might be even more disturbing. Ok, click here to look on ebay for em. I saved you SO many nightmares... ... Your welcome!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
GI JOE! The movie, the all american hero, the ALL NEW ACTION FIGURES!
When I heard there was a G.I. Joe movie coming out, I got excited. Then I heard they were going to make it POLITICALLY CORRECT. No longer would it be the all american hero. It was going to be... Global Intelligence Justice Operational Enama...or something like that.
If you think of the original series, you had all races/colors/credes together fighting against evil. Even the evil guys had a wide range of ethnic... You had the Russian...the German... ... ok, this was all based around WHAT WAR? Of course we know who is good/bad in the cartoon. But now due to SENSITIVITY and someone somewhere might see something that offends themselves, we have to remake. I heard Gung Ho isn't even going to look like a Village People throw back!
So needless to say, wasn't too excited. THEN I saw the line up. Brendan Fraser is going to be in just for the heck of it (AS GUNG HO)... Ray Park as Snake Eyes (YES), Arnold Vosloo (the MUMMY from the MUMMY...same director), Channing Tatum (so far the most military looking of the cast), and...get this... Joseph Gordon-Levitt as COMBRA COMMANDER. The kid from Third Rock from the Sun.
Whatcha think?
It's the new thing. You had Topher Grace as Venom, Heath Ledger (*MISS*) as an INCREDIBLE Joker (Heath and Joseph starred together in "10 Things I Hate About You", with Julia Styles, who should have TOTALLY been the Baroness)... The pretty boy villian has made a come back.
Ok, so this is becoming a movie review... Let me go onto the TOYS!
G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary Action Figures Wave 9 Revision 1
Currently on the list is Wild Bill, Lt. Torpedo, Hawk, Bazooka, Barbeque, Storm Shadow Black, Snow Serpent, BAT... Problem? Past Hawk (Dennis Quiad in movie), I don't think ANY OF THESE GUYS will be in the movie. You have a movie coming out...and you are bringing out no names to celebrate the 25th anniversary? WTF! Maybe it's just the advertiser in me, but, well, i like to make money. This is not a money maker.
Yea, not impressed... they are releasing like 20 waves of different figures in the hope of Pokemon-ing, but I just don't see it happening. Transformers tried the same thing and those things are still covering the Walmart shelves. BUT just so you have something NICE to look at, here is one of the cooler GI Joe items coming out in time for christmas.
G.I. Joe Mighty Muggs Vinyl Figures Wave 1
Yea...Wave 1... I could do 3 waves of these, NO MORE DANG IT! ... Combra Commander is cute... Just need a small Ty puppie for him to kick. ... *snickers* Laterz folks!
OH! And Check out all these Mighty Muggs that are ALREADY OUT! Great for all ages, display and play!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Bionic Commando Making a comeback...ACTION FIGURE STYLE!
I have been keeping up with game info for months. I'm torn between getting Forced Unleashed on Wii...or Bionic Commando on XBOX 360. I'd rather have BC on Wii, BUT no such luck... At least I can have this cool action figure!
Click here for $14.99 PRE ORDER, comes out November 2008.
Company Description : The highly detailed 7-inch plastic action figure of Bionic Commando is a must have! The game you loved and grew up with is back and better than ever as Capcom presents Bionic Commando! This time around, government operative Nathan Spencer, falsely imprisoned and awaiting execution, must save the citizens of Ascension City after the catastrophic detonation of an experimental weapon. With the threat of a terrorist invasion looming, Nathan and his Bionic Arm are Ascension City's only hope.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Shocker Toys on Jay Leno! NRFB Reviews! THE MAXX!!! MTV I miss you!
REALLY COOL NEWS for...someone I know. But i'm excited by apoxy!
Shocker Toys was semi featured on Jay Leno. Leno was coving a comic-con and you could see their stand in the background. I'm hoping they get a cut of that footage, be a cool advertisement.
Ok, so WHO are these guys? My favorite indy toy company! They have a great concept of making these little 'blank template' called Shockini figures that come with stickers, attachable body parts, multi colors, and so much more to basically make your OWN FIGURE! They are real easy to paint too. I'm going to order a case of them just so I can show you on a video!!!
Cool huh? They sell them for $8 with realistic s/h! Unfortunately, they are so awesome, they sell out of everything pretty fast. So is this all they do? NO! They have done the most incredible figure of the MAXX. Remember, the big purple/yellow guy from MTV? They have VERY LIMITED left (1/500 if I remember) from the San Diego Comic Con. ... I want one. I told myself, no more buying until I SELL what I got already, HAHA! Click on the MAXX and BUY the maxx! (only $30!!! That's insane)
They have one final itme left over from the SDCC which is a limited/exclusive set of... Dethklok! (only $80)
For those out of the loop, Dethklok is a METAL BAND that exists...sort of. They perform on the internet, and also featured on the Adult Swim show Metalocalypse. Check out the wikipedia entry, compare the details, it's a great job by Shocker Toys!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Counting Toys up on my Wall
Want to play with my toys? Some links to the items on my wall...and I know the Super Mario was MATCHBOX not Hot Wheels, I call all little vehicles Hot Wheels!
Todd Mcfarlane Collector's figure
Larry the Cucumber from VegiTales
I'm back! Miss me?
Ok, so I was doing daily review for a week plus then disappeared? Was an experiment. I posted the same exact information and posts on a dozen different blog services, then left them for a few months. I wanted to see who kept the highest google rank with the same keywords and compare against ease of use.
If you reading this, then you are on one I liked, haha! I think i'm mainly focusing on blogspot ( and should point there). It was in the top 3 for ranking, plus gives me lovely control with tags/labels, real easy GUI for revamping my template, plus very easy to add javascripts and WIDGETS...i love widgets.
I'm going to get back to regular text reviews the next hour! Plus I've started my ONLINE VIDEO BLOGS of toy reviews. Right now, just messing with options, finding good lighting, etc, but I am posting a few to see what service has the most interest in what I'm doing. I'm hitting YOUTUBE, Break, and Revver so far. I'm not too concerned about $ off videos, it's more to market my ebay store and make a few extra sales...oh and friends...with money... *LAUGH* Later peoples!
Nothing else...but BLOGSPOT/BLOGGER doesn't have a HANDY thing like LJ-CUT so I had to edit template, and now it has a cut...but it shows up on EVERY blog wether you want or not... Eh, worst case, i'll just show you my widget!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Warcraft Figures Part 1
Over the next few days, i'm focusing on something real fun. WoW - World of Warcraft Action Figures!!! I have not gotten these in myself...but they are being done by DC Direct, which has made some of most lovely figures...2nd on to McFarlane! So, here is a few quick shots!
Dwarf Warrior
Hard items to find in stores and even then $30 or so, but i've scene them on eBay for < $20. Good Luck!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Danger Girls Fish Tank LIMITED Edition set!
These three ladies have a brand-new sculpted base, and are available in this light-up collector's "fish tank" display case. Set includes Abbey Chase, Sydney Savage, and Natalia Kassle, each with a weapon and multiple points of articulation.
Yes...fishtank... You could literally put a fish in this thing, ok? It is the coolest action figure box EVER!!! The team at McFarlane had such a awesome idea! The figures themselves are perfectly detailed Danger Girl. ... My beta would LOVE to be in there, HEHE!
This is one of the fun items I found at auction. One of many I shall be showing you, ENJOY!
How do you like my advertising? Google adwords and adsense annoy me, adbrite is good in THEORY but it has such HORRIBLE loading time. Projectwonderful is fun. Those are the buttons on top with skyscaping banners on the right. It's really NO money...I mean, maybe $.50 a day even with 3000 views a day... But it advertises alot of indy online comics and/or clothes shops. Not major money, but it's content related...
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Hang this from your tree!!!
I hit a great toy auction today! Picked up a ton of items!!! Will be posting them soon on my ebay store, but there is over 200 some items...Star Wars, STar Trek, TV guides, a few comics, and some REALLY awesome Batman figures.
I will review items I bought tomorrow...Let's review the items I LOST at auction! Here is my top 3 Ornaments (toyish related)!!! Great thing is, after christmas, click on the pictures to grab these items CHEAP!!!
Hallmark makes the best ornaments! Plus, they worked with the design, having Batman 'hanging on' to the tree! This is the 1994!
"Where's the KABOOM?!" ... That is all. (Hallmark 1996)
2005 Hallmark! Again, the design works with the fact that it will be hanging. This new coloring they have on their Spiderman ornament really sticks out, specially with a white tree!
Yea, I know, I should have posted this 3 weeks back, HAHAHA! Later peeps!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Be a bratty star! ...
My Opinion (the only one that matters) = Ok, it's Bratz...the concept I never really liked. And the pets look like they were put through the washing machine, and dried in the microwave... BUT...the outfits are a very nice design, the least 'slutty' Bratz outfits i've seen. ... And that's all i have to say!
The gorgeous Bratz girls are now starring in their very movie and are centre of attention wherever they go. Luckily they have all been pampered top to toe and dressed to the nines so they are all ready for their big film premiere and that red carpet appearance. The collection features the four original characters Cloe, Yasmin, Jade and Sasha and each one has their own style and glamorous dress to show off.
Each doll comes with a real working camera so you can catch them in action, a mini handbag sparkly like their dress, a stunning jacket and a hair brush in case it's a windy night! The dolls in this Movie Stars collection have much more posable bodies than previous Bratz ranges so they can stop and post for the paparazzi in a number of different positions.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Exo Force... Legos meet Manga!
The story was actually very good. Your basic future where humans had great technology, and evil robots rebel...action ensues! The story arc followed the humans learning to use their 'battle machines' to combat the evil robots. Each person had a strong japanese name with meaning behind it and the sets you could build had cool names like Thunder Fury (pictures to the left) or Fire Vulture! One of my favorite features was...COMBINING MECHS! Certain mechs could be combined to form larger 'mega' versions! Considuring you had two seperate created, free moving lego MECHS that would form into one with little re-building, I thought that was quiet impressive.
Along with the toys, there was a great protional team involved. Firstly, you had a regular online comic that detailed the happenings of this lego sci fi world. Then, you had a slew of short 2 minutes cartoons shown on primary childrens stations like Nickelodeon! They even commissioned one of the primary designs of the Macross anime series to design combination models. These are hard to find now adays, but check around online to see what you can dig up!
"Time to Power Up!"
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Halo 3 + McFarlane! What more could you want?
What could be cooler then that title? ... I tell you... NOTHING! Check out some just released photos from this awesome coop of ultimate toy maker meets ultimate game. Here is a few sneak peaks!
Release dates flux between March and June. There are a few selling Pre-Orders via auction for those who NEED to know they will recieve one.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Isacc Asimov's wet dream
Product Info : The Lego Mindstorms NXT building kit is the newest and most advanced kit that allows you to build and bring to life a humanoid, vehicle, or animal robot. Using over 519 interchangeable Lego blocks and an icon-based drag-and-drop software program, the Lego Mindstorm NXT will obey your every command. Using Bluetooth technology, once you have your robot built and programmed, you'll be able to command it from your computer, cell phone, or PDA.
This amazing gadget can hardly be considered a toy, but will bring endless amounts of enjoyment to almost any kid or kid at heart. The Mindstorm NXT features improved light sensors that can detect different colors and intensities. It also has a sound sensor that will allow you to make your robot respond to sound commands, patterns, and tones. Its improved touch feature senses and reacts to touch and release, and its ultrasonic eyes measure distance and respond to movement.
You will be amazed at how life-like and obedient your Mindstorm NXT robot can be. The program to command your robot is PC and MAC supported. It requires Win XP Pro or Home Edition with Service Pack 2 or higher, MacOS X v. 10.3.9 or 10.4. The only other thing you need is 6AA batteries and you'll be able to build the ultimate Lego creation.
My Opinion : It's slave labor!!! Seriously, people with too much free time could find a TON of things to do with these guys...infact, the possibilities scare me. Myself, I would make it feed my cats! ... My cats would probaly reprogram to overfeed them thou... You have an opinion? Let Me Know!